Though only the second day of school, Room 503 seems to already be settling into a routine:
We begin (and end) each day with a bow. The bow is a sign of respect for ourselves, each other, the room, and the work we do in it. Following the bow we take attendance where, one by one, each student calls out the next student's name. Attendance, therefore, becomes the responsibility of everyone and each of us has awareness of everyone else, and if they are present or not.
Each morning we spend ten minutes on vocal and physical warm ups. Consistent awareness of our bodies will lead to more effective presence when it comes to public speaking, and daily attention to our voices will hone our enunciation and projection skills in all areas of communication.
Today students had the opportunity to work on activities and projects independently, in pairs, in small groups and as a full class. Because this is the first week, students are getting a sampling of all the different ways we are going to approach each of our subjects.
Please make sure your child has a composition book to use for their journal writing. After tomorrow (Wednesday, August 13), loose leaf paper and other notebooks will not be accepted for journal assignments.
If possible, please send a re-fillable water bottle with your child to keep at school, or pack a water bottle daily. This helps keeps the students hydrated (and at their desks instead of the drinking fountain).
Optional (but a good idea): please send a snack with your children. Most of them get pretty hungry mid-morning.
Double-check the dress code. It can get confusing between what colors boys can wear and what colors girls can wear.
Thanks & Cheers,