Friday, December 12, 2008

HOMEWORK, Friday, December 12, 2008

Have monologue completely memorized
By: Monday morning, beginning of class: December 15

Prep for Oral Exam, Monday, December 15:
~Be sure to know the Mother Teresa piece - in order
~ Be able to verbally articulate:
*Each phrase of the M.T. piece
*Our 4 classroom phrases (i.e. "Dig Deeper")
*The "reminders" (i.e. "One for all and all for one")
*The bow - why we practice this at the beginning/end of each class.
Be prepared to not only verbally articulate what these things mean, also be able to explain your experience with them.

All other subjects:

Big thanks to all the parents and students that provided goodies and beverages for today's Tea. We enjoyed all of it!

Next week, Monday is a regular, full-day schedule
Tue-Thu, school ends at 12:40 PM
No school on Friday: Winter Break begins