Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tea on Three

Today we concluded our unit on The Book of Three. Our ritual-end-of-the-book tea went quite well, with less food (hence, less chaos) and a new question-discussion format.

Eilonwy, one of the characters in the book is constantly making analogies (mostly funny, some beautifully poignant), and each of the students were asked to create their own analogies in regards to how they feel when a good book ends. Because I am writing this post from home, I have no example to post from here, but I will be creating a special post that will include them (as well as some terrific photos of the students with both their mythology and science projects).

Tomorrow is Athletic Field Day and, therefore, tonight, there is no homework (getting into gear for Spring Break). There are a couple of students who have not yet turned in their signed Vocabulary/Spelling Test grade form and that must be in tomorrow or students will begin losing points off their test score. Also, if there are still students who want to sign up for the next round of the Extra Miler and BFF Clubs, those forms need to be turned in tomorrow as well.

Please be sure to pack a water bottle, sunscreen, a sweatshirt or long-sleeved T-shirt and a good snack for mid-morning for tomorrow's big day.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is an Early Dismissal day (12:25 PM) and that will lead us directly into Spring Break. School will resume Monday, March 16.

Ms. Pitman