Memorize 1st line of Mother T.
"People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway."
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 9
Language Arts:
Read Ch. 8, Alice
Look up the definitions of the following words: "procession" and "mock" and write the definitions of each of them in separate, complete sentences in your own words.
If you did not finish your "time" writing in class, complete it this evening.
Get Vocab/Grammar Test signed. Show parent your note on the back.
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 9
If you didn't finish both sides of the worksheet in class, complete it at home this evening.
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 9
Revise science proposal and get it signed.
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 9
Social Studies:
13 Western States - learn names, capitals, what year they became a state, and where they are in relation to one another.
Due: NEXT Tuesday, September 15