Other than AIMS though, we are finishing up our Rome unit (test on Tuesday), and next week we'll be moving into the Middle Ages. We are winding up another round of vocabulary words (test on Monday) and having our Tea to celebrate our completion of A Wrinkle in Time (tomorrow). Next week we will begin Adam of the Road.
As you know, we had a Sixth Grade exhibit of our Rome projects last week entitled All Roads Lead to Rome (you can see photos a few posts below). I'm sorry I missed posting about it last week. I was absolutely comatose by the end of Friday's festivities. I hope that the students all feel good about their hard work. Overall, the structures were truly amazing and I am very proud of the reserach and writing work the students put into their papers.
The students have received the first half of their scripts for their productions of Mother and the Goose (Room 503) and for Out of the Box (Room 506). They are working hard (and I am working them harder) in rehearsals. They are bringing together all of the skills we have been working on throughout the year. Next week you will be receiving information about how you (parents) can get involved to make the productions a success. In the meantime, SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, May 26, 6:00 PM for the final performances (and end-of-the-year celebration).
Fourth Quarter progress reports are due by teachers Tuesday night, April 20. I imagine that access to these will be available, at the latest, the following Monday. These reports contain just a few comments and no grades (unless your student is receiving a "D" or "F" - and you will be contacted prior to grades being posted should this be the case for your student).
If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything about your student's work, please email me at tpjapitman@gmail.com or phone me on my cell phone: (760) 641-3427.
Enjoy the upcoming weekend!
Ms. Nicky Pitman