Monday, May 24, 2010


The following notice is being sent home with your student today...but in case it doesn't get from his/her hand to yours, here it is:

Dear Sixth Grade Students & Parents:

Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 25 is the “big day.” It will be our last day of finals (Wednesday will be for reflection and a few other things, and Thursday, of course, is the Awards Assembly).

PLEASE NOTE: May 27th - All School Awards 8:20a.m - 12:25p.m, EdOptions High School Auditorium, Event will be held at EdOptions High Schools auditorium located at 2150 E. Southern Ave. Tempe, Az 85282 (west of the Price freeway)

Tomorrow’s (Tuesday’s) final schedule:

8:25-10:25: SOCIAL STUDIES 10:25-10:35: BREAK 10:40-12:40: MATH

Please take special note:
Students have a different “call time” than the actual production time on Tuesday evening:

ROOM 503 (6P): 5:00 PM *Please make it a point to be very on time. Thanks!
ROOM 506 (6S): 5:30 PM

The performances begin at 6:00 PM.

GIRLS: Please come with your hair prepared the way you would like it done for performance. There will be NO time to do hair.

Parents: Thank you, in advance, if you are bringing food and drinks. Please bring your items to the faculty house prior to the performance beginning. If you are helping to set up refreshments, please plan to help set up tables with table cloths, prior to the performance, and to bring food/beverage out to the tables at the end of the production for our celebration.

Please email me this evening if you have any questions. I am not sure how much access I will have to the computer tomorrow:

Looking forward to tomorrow evening!

In gratitude,
Ms. Nicky Pitman