Friday, October 24, 2008

All Roads Lead to Rome, But All Riddles Lead to...


At least today, in our Finally it's Friday groups, where each group was charged with creating a riddle, and all of the answers had to be "Egypt."

Here is an example from The Rapping Bunnies:

I was two, but now am one;
'Twas in chaos, then in none - and now again.
It was the pharaoh saved me.
What am I?

Each riddle had to be placed on the exterior of a group-constructed (carefully measured) pyramid, and the answer (Egypt) had to be placed inside.

The second activity each group had to complete, was a time line of Ancient Egypt. Different events, people and time periods were typed on individual pieces of paper (sans dates) an each group had to put them in chronological order - and do it as quickly as possible - in order to "win" the event. The Zamarocians came in f irst.

We had the opportunity to celebrate Dane's eleventh birthday today - one day late (because he was out sick yesterday) - with yummy cupcakes. Not wanting to be honored with the typical birthday song, we sang "The Alphabet Song," per his request.

In other Room 503 news, we named our Geckos yesterday, by group vote: Mario (the more muted-colored one) and Luigi (the brighter yellow of the two). We will be sending them home over the weekends with different students (with willing parents). Ryan took them home this weekend. I am sure they will have a good couple of days.

And, I hope, so shall all of you.

Ms. Pitman