Language Arts:
Read AWITD, Ch. 11
Look up definitions for new vocabulary words:
compassion, respect, reverence
*Write definitions out in COMPLETE SENTENCES.
Due: Tomorrow, October 29
Data Project due: November 5
Work on this nightly!
Students have all the directions - email if any questions.
Social Studies:
Ancient Egypt Project Form
Due: Tomorrow, October 29
In two (2) paragraphs (total), please think about, make inferences and write responses to the following questions:
~ How did the invention of the microscope lead to the discovery of the cell?
~ Why do you think it took almost two hundred years after cells were discovered for scientists to conclude that all living things consist of cells?
Due: Tomorrow, October 29
*Student Reminders:
Please put full names and dates in the upper right-hand corner of your assignments; Also, please title/label your assignments so that it is clear what your assignment is (i.e. Vocabulary Definitions).
Early dismissal this Wednesday & Thursday at 12:25 (Parent-Teacher conferences).
Room 503 is low on handi-wipes/sani-wipes - whatever you can spare would be greatly appreciated.
Happily accepting old magazines and empty toilet paper rolls! Send 'em in when you can.