Saturday, January 16, 2010

Possibili-TEAs abound in Room 503

This week provided the opportunity for the Sixth Grade Students to better understand why it is we have a day off from school on Monday, January 18.

After having read a bit about Martin Luther King, Jr. and his background and the March on Washington in 1963, the students read through and discussed King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech. Using phrasing from the speech, the students were asked to write poems about their dreams and hopes - for the world at large, their communities, or for their families. The poems were thoughtful (and thought-provoking), poignant, and personal.
On Friday, the students participated in a day where they could "dream" creatively: from food prepartion, to wondering (and drawing) about things that are seemingly impossible (albeit fun to think about), i.e. "What would happen if everyone in the world sneezed at the same time?" They also took some time to collaborate on an MLK, Jr.-inspired poster - sharing their favorite phrase from the poem they had written.

It was a wonderful way to kick off the three-day weekend, and to understand why we have one to begin with.

*Photos from the Friday's Possibili-Tea can be found below.