Friday, February 27, 2009

HOMEWORK, Friday, February 27, 2009

Language Arts:
Read Ch.'s 16 & 17, B.O.T.
Due: Monday, March 2

STUDY! Vocab/Spelling Test
Tuesday, March 3

Continue to work on Science Project
Due: Tuesday, March 3, 8:25 AM

*Science Fair Tuesday evening 6:00-8:30 PM

Social Studies:
Have Greek Mythology Project Grade Forms signed by a parent
Due: Monday, March 2...Tuesday, March 3 at the latest
*5 points deducted every day after March 3 until form is returned.

Let's Get Physical!

...with spelling and vocabulary words.

And so we did.


In our Finally it's Friday teams.

By pairing physical activity with an intellectual activity, the chances of the intellectual aspects remaining in a person's memory will be that much higher because both the brain and the body are working in tandem. We have mind memory, but we also have muscle memory.

I can vouch for this. When learning lines for a play or studying for tests I had to take in college, there was nothing that worked better than pairing almost any kind of physical activity with the lines I had to learn or the information I had to take in.

This is also a good way for Sixth Graders to shake up their day, channel their energy and prepare for their big vocabulary/spelling test on Tuesday.

Running, combined with spelling, searching and team-work all meshed to create a spelling and vocabulary game that kept the students active and alert (and hopefully helped them go over just a few words on their study guide list).

Best to all for a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the weather!

Ms. Pitman

Thursday, February 26, 2009

HOMEWORK, Thursday, February 26, 2009

Language Arts:
STUDY! Vocab./Spelling Test
Tuesday, March 3

Read Ch.'s 14-15, B.O.T.
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, February 27

STUDY! Vocab. Quiz
Tomorrow, Friday, February 27

Continue working on project
Due: Tuesday, March 3

R.S.V.P. Science Fair forms
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, February 27

Social Studies:
*Bring in signed "My Big Fat Greek Test: grade form
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, February 27
(5 pts. deducted from original grade, every day it's late)

*If you are re-taking "My Big Fat Greek Test" ~
Be at the Faculty House tomorrow, Friday at 12:45 PM
Bring 2 sharpened pencils or a mechanical pencil.
Don't be late!

Early dismissal tomorrow, Friday, February 27, 12:25 PM

Holy Zeus, Batman! I Almost Forgot to Post!

Forgive my tardiness in posting. I am down to the wire to get all of the Greek Mythology Projects read and graded. Each one is taking about one half hour and it's taken me all week to get through them. I know the students are anxious to receive them back - and receive their grades.

Speaking of grades: Would you believe it's almost time for progress reports again?! Mrs. Veenstra and I (and, of course, all the other TPA teachers) will be writing reports next week and posting grades (this quarter the students receive grades as well as comments). I imagine you will be receiving them right after the Spring Break.

My offer still stands, if anyone would like to schedule an unofficial conference time with me. Simply send me an email and let me know when you are available and will work out a day and time.

Back to Greece...

Ms. Pitman

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

HOMEWORK, Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Language Arts:
Read Ch's. 12 & 13, B.O.T.
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 26

STUDY for the vocab/spelling test
*(Do NOT wait until the last minute, please)
Test: Tuesday, March 3

STUDY for vocab quiz
Quiz: Friday, February 27

Continue working on Science Project!
Due: Tuesday, March 3

*Bring in items to work on for your Science Project
IN-CLASS (during Math & in the afternoon)
For Tomorrow: Thursday, February 26

*Social Studies:
Have your parents sign your Test Grade Form
Due NO LATER THAN: Friday, February 27

**If you received a grade lower than a "C-" on your test,
you have an opportunity to retake the test.
Friday, February 27 at 12:45 PM.

Early Dismissal, this Friday, Febraury 27: 12:25 PM

Early Dismissal next week: Wed.-Fri, March 4-6: 12:25 PM

Spring Break: March 9-13; Return to school: Monday, March 16

Whipping into Shape!

We're tightening up in Room 503. It's almost the end of the second quarter of the second semester and we're gearing the students up for what awaits them in seventh grade.

The following note is going home with the students today (attached to their Social Studies Test grade form - which needs to be signed by a parent and returned no later than this Friday, February 27). I am posting it here, in case for some very, very, very odd reason, the note and the test did not come home with your student.

The note:

Dear Students and Parents,

Test and Project Grade forms must be signed by parents and returned to school within a two-day period from now through the rest of the year. Any Grade forms (tests can be kept at home) not returned by the due date will result in a lowering of the student’s test or project grade by five (5) points each day. This system is designed to encourage students to suit up and show up and take responsibility (it is their job to have their parent sign the form, and their job to ensure the form is returned by the deadline.

The “My Big Fat Greek Test” grade form is due: Friday, February 27.

Also, from now until the end of the school year, only students who scored below a “C-“ will have the opportunity to retake a test or re-do a project. The first and second test will then be averaged for a final score/grade.

Any students who scored below a “C-“ on “My Big Fat Greek Test,” the make-up test time will be THIS Friday, February 27 at 12:45 PM (Early Dismissal is at 12:25). Students may have twenty minutes to relax, eat and prepare and meet me outside the Faculty House. Students must advocate for themselves: they must show up (I will not go looking for them), on time, and ready with two sharpened pencils (or mechanical pencils). Students will have until 2:00 PM to complete their test.

We’re crackin’ the ol’ whip around here!

Ms. Pitman

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

HOMEWORK, Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Language Arts:
Read Ch. 11, B.O.T.
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 25

STUDY! For vocab/spelling test
Next Tuesday, March 3

STUDY! For vocab quiz
This Friday, February 27

Continue working on Science Fair Project
Due: Tuesday, March 3 (in the morning)

*RSVP forms for Science Fair
Due: Friday, February 27

See Much, Study Much, Suffer Much...

...So says The Book of Three. And in our discussion today, we looked at how seeing, studying and suffering relate to observation, knowledge and experience.

This afternoon we worked on creating our own "Book(s) of Three" - a project journal we're going to keep for the next week and a half of our observations, knowledge and experiences.

It's going to be a busy time between now and Spring Break. The students have a great deal of preparation prior to the Science Fair next Tuesday (do all you parents know about this?!), working on their projects. They also have a math quiz this Friday, a vocabulary/spelling test next Tuesday, our Book of Three Tea next Thursday and Athletic Field Day on Friday, March 6.

For those of you who were not made aware over a month ago that our Science Fair is next Tuesday evening (March 3), you should be receiving invitations tonight from your students. This is an important event and all students are required to be there.

Also, in case you haven't been watching your calendars: next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (March 4, 5, 6) are early release days and school will let out at 12:25 PM. The following week is Spring Break (March 9-13) and school will resume on Monday, March 16.

For those of you who had students in this past month's Extra Mile Club, the month was a success, culminating in a celebratory lunch and "Going the Distance" certificates. I discovered quite a bit in this first round of the Club and received some very good feedback from the participants. Some very specific changes will be made and new application forms will be available next week for those students who are interested in signing up. The new Club will begin Monday, March 16 and will run through Thursday, April 9 (school will be closed Friday, April 10 for Good Friday and the Easter weekend).

Ms. Pitman

Monday, February 23, 2009

HOMEWORK, Monday, February 23, 2009

Vocal Warm-Ups:
Memorize Hamlet up through "...modesty of nature."
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 24

Language Arts:
Look up definitions for six (6) new vocabulary words.
Write the definitions out in clear, complete sentences
in your own words; then write six sentences using each
of the words to demonstrate your understanding.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 24

Read Ch. 10, B.O.T.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 24

p. 20 (17-27)
Read p. 12 & add vocab. to notebook
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 24

Write a one-paragraph write-up of where you are with your project,
what you still need to do, what you are excited about and/or having
trouble with.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 24

Continue working on project.
Due: NEXT Tuesday, March 3

Our Big Fat Greek Test

And a drum roll please...

Ta da! Today we finished up our unit on ancient Greece... with a big, fat test that included multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and match 'em up questions. The test also provided a forum for the students to sketch out each of the three main Greek columns we studied - label them and explain their differences. Students also had to write a short essay based on a question of their choice (they had three to choose from):

A. Compare and contrast tyranny, oligarchy and democracy. Be able to explain the differences (and if there are any similarities). Explain which type of government you believe is best and why.

B. Sparta and Athens were both Greek city-states, but functioned in completely different ways. Explain the differences. Then discuss which city-state you would have preferred to live in and why.

C. In what ways do you think Greek government, literature, mythology, theatre and architecture have been influential throughout history, including our present world? Do you believe one of these elements has been any more important than the others in our world? Which one and why? If you believe they are all of equal importance, explain that as well.

Tomorrow the students will receive their mythology projects with grades and comments. Per usual, a parent signature sheet will be brought home by each student to have signed by a parent.

The signature sheet will be due Thursday, February 26. Though it is the students' responsibility to make sure the sheet is signed and brought back to school, any parental nudging will be of help. Five points will be deducted off the project grade for each day the signature sheet is not returned.

The practice of deducting points is incentive to ensure that each student is taking responsibility for his/her work, as well as making sure parents are made aware of what and how their student is doing in class.

On a somewhat/not-at-all similar note: Our first annual TPJA Science Fair is next Tuesday evening, March 3. Science projects are due on Tuesday morning. If your student hasn't been sharing what they are working on with you, please ask them. Some of our students seem to be on task while others...others are not.

Thanks for your help, support and care.

Ms. Pitman

Friday, February 20, 2009

HOMEWORK, Friday, February 20, 2009

Vocal Warm-Ups:
Memorize Hamlet
Up through "...It out Herod's Herod. Pray you avoid it."
Due: Monday, February 23

Language Arts:
Read Ch.'s 8 & 9, B.O.T.
Due: Monday, February 23

Look up definitions for three new vocab. words.
Write them out in complete sentences and in your own words.
Also, use each word in a sentence to show that you understand
its meaning.
Due: Monday, February 23

Do one hours of math-science work for your Science Project.
Be prepared to discuss on Monday in class.

Social Studies:
Test on Monday, February 23

Work on Science Project.
PACE YOURSELF: you have 11 more days.
Due: March 3

Inspired to Write

This afternoon the Sixth Graders were encouraged to stroll the TPA campus and find something that would inspire or prompt them to write - a story or poem - or they had a choice to get a prompt from me and use that prompt as a touchstone to create a piece.

The students were encouraged to push beyond their comfort zone, and not just write something that they typically write about but to really allow their imagination to soar based on what they observed, what tickled their creative brain.

We spent about thirty-five minutes writing outside. Some students sat on chairs in the faculty yard, others sat in the courtyard, some on benches, some under trees. The sunshine, blue sky and soft breeze made for wonderful atmosphere.

Later, some of the students shared their work. Inspiration came from ants, birds, colors and people. A lot of good work came out of that exercise and I hope that the students will allow for inspiration to take hold as the spirit takes them on their own.

Ms. Pitman

Thursday, February 19, 2009

HOMEWORK, Thursday, February 19, 2009

Language Arts:
Read Ch. 7, B.O.T.
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, February 20

P. 17 (1-5)
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, February 20

Social Studies:
STUDY! *(Study Guides given out in class today)
Test on Monday, February 23

Continue working on Science Projects
Due: March 3 (That's 2 1/2 weeks)!

Vocal Warm-Ups:
Next line of Hamlet (up through "thus by use all gently.")
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, February 20

Extra Milers:
Lunch/Certificates for those who accrued enough tickets
Monday, Feb. 23
*(No need to bring lunch)

~ Next Extra Mile Club beginning Monday, March 2

No Postino

...a new Italian film about a teacher who did not post on her blog for a day because she had to dash out from school for an appointment.

A well-written, thoughtful post is owed you for tomorrow.

Ms. Pitman

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

HOMEWORK, Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Vocal Warm-Ups:

Memorize first two lines of Hamlet speech
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 19

Language Arts:
Read Ch, 6 B.O.T.
Create a clear and thoughtful discussion question.
Write it out on the same sheet of paper as you wrote your
Ch. 5 question.
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 19

Look up three new vocabulary words. Write the
definitions out in clear, complete sentences, using
your own words.
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 19

Vocabulary words
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 19

Social Studies:
Read Ch. 9, Section 4: History Text ("Greek Achievements")
P. 277-282; Answer Assessment questions 1-3, p. 282
Also Read p. 283 (Philosophers).
Be able to discuss each philosopher and their similarities and
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 19

Write a 1 paragraph write up of where you are
in your project - & what's working and what's not.
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 19

Weeding through Wednesday

After being one-track-minded yesterday with regards to the ancient Greek mythology project presentations, today feels like we feasted on a shmorgasboard of subject matter - everything from vocabulary words, to book discussion questions, to a mini-lecture on responsibility...Wow, wow, wow! A lot can be accomplished in a short period of time (and that was just in the morning).

The afternoon brought us back to ancient Greece: finishing a documentary we began watching last week on Alexander the Great, reading a chapter in our History text on Alexander, and going over what will be on Monday's all-encompassing Social Studies test on ancient Greek civilization.

Back-tracking to the "mini-lecture" on responsibility: that was about making sure to complete assignments and getting all required materials turned in, in a timely manner. A check list went home with every student last Friday with reagrds to their ancient Greek mythology project. Students were to go over the checklist, sign it, and then share their project and the check list with at least one parent. The check list was then to be signed by the parent and returned (yesterday) with the student's project.

Some students neglected to return their check list sheet/signature. Others, lost their check list and wrote a "mock up" sheet for their parents to sign. The original check list with a parent signature MUST be turned in to me by Friday in order for me to even take the time to look at thoroughly - and grade - the student's project. If the sheet is not returned by Friday, I will not look at the project and the student will receive an "F."

I understand that this may sound quite harsh. However, I believe that holding students responsible for their work is one of our top priorites at TPJA. This is not a difficult assignment. It is about "suiting up and showing up." If you have any questions, please feel free to email me:

Thanks & Cheers,
Ms. Pitman

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

HOMEWORK, Tuesday, February 17 , 2009

Language Arts:

Read Ch. 5, The Book of Three (B.O.T.)

Due: Tomorrow, February 18

Look up three new vocabulary word definitions.

Write the definitions down in complete sentences

and in your own words.

Due: Tomorrow, February 18

Social Studies:

Fill out - completely & thoroughly - the self-critique

of the work you did on the Greek mythology project.

Take time, dig deep in your reflection.

Due: Tomorrow, February 18

The Mything Link

No, that's not me spelling incorrectly - it's simply another play on words!

Today was a mythical day from morning through the afternoon (with a break in between for the second half of the sixth grade math test).

Each student presented his/her prepared Greek mythological story, beginning with the introduction of their character and a reading of their project dedication page.

While one student presented, the rest of the class gave their focus to listening, watching and writing a constructive critique of the presentation. By doing so, each student was responsible for lending their support to every other student.

At the end of the school day, students were given the opportunity to check out each other's "scrapbooks" and see all the different and creative ways each student chose to put their project together.

I am very proud of the students in Room 503. This project was a big undertaking and most all of the students stepped up to the plate to meet the challenge.


Ms. Pitman

Friday, February 13, 2009

HOMEWORK, Friday, February 13, 2009

It's an R & R weekend!

However, Greek mythology projects are due on Tuesday. For the students who have not yet completed their projects, they need to do so over the weekend.

Also, every student received a check list for their project. It is their responsibility to go through their project and check off each item that they have completed to make sure their project is rarin' and ready to go on Tuesday. They must show their project and check list to at least one parent who must sign off on it, and return the signed check list, together with their project to school, on Tuesday.

It's Olympic!

And it's Finally it's Friday too!

After a morning of sugar, Alexander the Great, and a gargantuan math test the students had the opportunity to partake in something completely different:

A smorgasboard of academic, dramatic, and physical activities that would make Zeus throw a lighning bolt up to the heavens with glee and enthusiasm (well, maybe not that exciting - but pretty challenging, fun and creative, all the same).

Starting with an ancient Greek Quiz Bowl of facts, the students (in their Finally it's Friday teams) vied to answer the most answers correctly. Then, onto a tricky game of ancient Greek Password, followed by 3-Actor charades, and finally some major physical exertion:

The first updated TPJA Greek Olympics, featuring a torch relay, a three-legged race, an M & M Toss, a Ball Pass, and, a race to move water from one bucket to another. Whew!

Fun, challenging, definitely different...but it was all Greek to the students in Room 503!

Have a wonderful three-day weekend.

Ms. Pitman

Thursday, February 12, 2009

HOMEWORK, Thursday, February 12, 2009

Study for test tomorrow!

Social Studies
Continue working on Greek mythology project
Due: Tuesday, February 17 (that's next week!)

Continue working on Science Project
Due: March 3

BRING a pair of shorts (or sweat pants), t-shirt (appropriate),
long-sleeved shirt or sweat jacket (in case of cool weather), & gym/athletic shoes TOMORROW, FRIDAY (to change into in the afternoon)

Extra Milers:
Complete refelction (ques. 1-4)
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, February 13

*If you didn't completely memorize the first two sections of
Hamlet speech, DO SO by tomorrow A.M.

This is a three-day weekend (Sa. -Mo., Feb. 14-16)
Also: R & R weekend - unless Mythology projects still need to be completed.

Say Cheese...Cake.

And definitely eat cheese...cake! Delicious cheese cake. Two different kinds of cheese cake - both incredibly delectable and decadent and...hey - no calories or fat if you eat them the day after your birthday, or in honor of Lincoln's birthday ( a little trade secret in education, don'tcha know).

Big thanks and compliments to Jenelle Bush for making such wonderful deserts for an on-going classroom celebration. Room 503 sends you oodles of gratitude and appreciation!

We did get work done today, but I am so stuffed from cheese cake I can't think about writing much else. I am going to go prepare for tomorrow and fall into a lovely sugar coma.

Ms. Pitman

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

HOMEWORK, Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Langauge Arts:
Read Ch. 4, B.O.T.
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 12

STUDY! Test on Friday.

Continue working on Science Project
Due: March 3

Social Studies:
Continue working on Greek mythology project
*Remember: it's an R & R weekend coming up -
Get as much done as you can prior, so you can enjoy a
real three-day break!
Due: Tuesday, February 17

Mnemonically Yours

Sometimes having a teacher birthday can come in handy - especially when it comes to creative activities and brain trainer games!

This morning, I asked the students to write out mnemonics using my last name. Here's a sampling:





Awesome person in the world who

Never gets mad

Yeah, was a nice dream. ; )

And now for something completely different...

Pensively beastish
Mall or classroom

And I had no idea I had a second job:

Ms. Pitman

Anteaters at

We also used my name in a category game, where the students had to come up with a vegetable, animal and snack food for each of the letters of my name. For some of the letters we - the Sixth Graders and myself -had to use some real brain muscles!

I hear that's important when you get older...oh, wait a minute - I am!

Thanks to the students for celebrating my special day with me and thank you for the cards, and special gifts and to Maya Putrasahan for such a lovely spread in the faculty house this morning.

A big shout out to Kyle's mom, who I am told is also celebrating a birthday today!

Ms. Pitman

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

HOMEWORK, Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Language Arts:
Read Ch. 3, B.O.T.
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 11

Review for Test on Friday (packet given today)
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 11

Continue to work on Science Project
Due: March 3

Social Studies:
Read Ch. 9, Section 2 (Sparta & Athens), p. 266-271;
Answer assessment questions 1-5, p. 271
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 11

Bring in pieces of Greek mythology project to work on in class tomorrow!

Continue working on Greek mythology project
Due: Tuesday, February 17

For Fun and for Three!

We just began reading Lloyd Alexander's, The Book of Three over this past weekend. An in-class "survey" this morning shows much higher ratings than our last Language Arts read, The Secret Garden. Comments such as, "It's full of adventure," and "I like the imagery," and "It's full of cliffhangers," make me think that this will be a fun book for the students to sink their teeth (and eyes and critical thinking skills) into.

We had a really good discussion this morning and I am very pleased by the students' progress to dig deeper and answer (as well as ask) thoughtful questions, such as:

"I am not anything, not even at Caer Dallben." Said Coll, "I shall make you something, Taran, Assistant Pig Keeper, etc." Is Coll just teasing him, telling him he is ridiculous? Or is there advice here?

“In some cases,” [Dallben] said, “we learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.” What do you think this means? And how do you think this relates to our classroom discussions regarding questions/inquiry?

(p. 21) “Taran, hunched against a tree root, pulled his cloak closer about his shoulders.. . . ‘I don't even know who I am.’ ‘In a way,’ answered Gwydion, ‘that is something we all must discover for ourselves’.” Read this passage carefully and consider the words the author uses. Why are we given this vignette?

To the straight forward, reading comprehension question, "What does Coll tell Taran 'the three foundations of learning' are?" the answer was, "See much, study much, suffer much." To which one student in class today observed, "that's wisdom."

And so it is.

Ms. Pitman

Monday, February 9, 2009

HOMEWORK, Monday, February 9, 2009

Language Arts:
If you didn't already finish it in class, read Ch. 2, B.O.T.
and create 3 thoughtful discussion questions re: the chapter
on a separate shee of notebook paper.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 10

P. 50 (A & B)
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 10

Whatever you did not finish in your text (Cells):
Write out your answers on a separate sheet of notebook paper
(can be OPEN BOOK).
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 10

Write a one-paragraph write-up of where you are at in your Science Project.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 10

Continue working on Science Project
Due: March 3

Social Studies:
In your history text book: (whatever you did not finish in class today) -
Ch. 9 (p. 256-259): Answer questions on p. 259 on a piece of notebook paper (title your paper Social Studies, YOU TRY IT, p. 259).
Read Section 1, p. 260-265. Answer the Assessment Questions on p. 265 1-5 (on a separate piece of Notebook paper; Title the page Ch. 9/Section 1 Assessment Questions…Remember: write in COMPLETE SENTENCES).
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 10

Bring in pieces of your Greek mythology project to work on to school tomorrow.

Continue working on Greek mythology project.
Due: February 17

Extra Milers:
Memorize next piece of Hamlet text, up through:
“It out-herods Herod. Pray you avoid it.”
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 10

Flu Man Group

I suppose whatever the bug is that's been going around TPA/TPJA has finally caught up with me! I was out again today (the second time in three weeks) and will hopefully be in tomorrow.

I heard through the grapevine that the Sixth Graders had a really good day today. I have no doubt that they were on their best behavior with the teachers who filled in for me, and I am sure that they worked diligently on all the work that they were assigned during my absence.

To the best of my knowledge, Progress Reports will be sent home tomorrow. If you do not receive them by the weekend, please send me an email on Monday. If you would like to set up an (unofficial) conference time, please email me: and let me know when a good time for you would be.

A reminder that this coming weekend is Presidents' Day Weekend and there will be no school on Monday, February 16. Your students' Greek mythology project is due on Tuesday, February 17 so I hope that they will either a) finish prior to the holiday weekend, or b) use their weekend time wisely to add "finishing touches" - not last minute full-blown work to their scrapbook and oral presentation work.

Ms. Pitman

Friday, February 6, 2009

HOMEWORK, Friday, February 6, 2009

Language Arts:
Read Perseus the Gorgon Slayer
Read Ch. 1, The Book of Three (B.O.T.)
Due: Monday, February 9

Multiplying fractions, hand-out
Due: Monday, February 9

Social Studies:
Continue working on Greek mythology project
Pace yourself!
Due: February 17

Continue working on science project
Due: March 3

Extra Milers:
Memorize the first part of Hamlet's monologue
Up through "...that may give it smoothness."
Due: Monday, February 9

The Daily Column in Doric, Ionic and Corinthian (as well as air-dry clay and lots of toilet paper rolls) - NOT as in "newspaper."

We have been working on "building" Greek columns for quite a few days this week and I think we will devote one more hour or so to completing them next week.

Room 503 looks quite...hmmm...clay-ful at the end of each work session (I am sure our new maintenance man loves us), and, for the most part, there is some excellent work being done.

This weekend the Sixth Graders are beginning a new book in Language Arts The Book of Three (an ALA Notable Book) by Lloyd Alexander, and are continuing to read Greek mythology stories (this weekend, Perseus the Gorgon-Slayer).

Look for a note going out next Monday regarding Friday, February 13th's special Finally it's Friday should be a day full of fun, interactive, educational, and quite physical events.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Pitman

Thursday, February 5, 2009

HOMEWORK, Thursday, February 5, 2009

P. 39 (B & C); Draw
Due: Tomorrow, February 6

Social Studies:
Continue to work on mythology project
Due: February 17

Continue to work on science project
Due: March 3

*Bring in a pair of jeans
Tomorrow, Friday, February 6

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

HOMEWORK, Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Language Arts:
If you neglected to bring in The Book of Three today,
Bring it in TOMORROW!

P. 29 (48, 49)
P. 38 (A-B)
P. 39 (A p4)
P. 41 (7-10)
P. 46 (40-49)
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 5

Social Studies:
Continue to work on mythology project
Due: February 17

Complete Greek packet started in class today
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 5

Bring in parts of your mythology project you would like to/can
work on to school tomorrow. You will have class time to work
on your project.
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 5

Continue to work on science project
Due: March 3

*Bring in a pair of jeans on Friday, February 6

Extra Milers:
Research and type up (in required format) a one-page report
on the olympics of Ancient Greece. *This must be NEW additional
information (not the information on the hand out from the other day)
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 5

Various Vocabulary Voicings

I'm trying to keep up with all things literally literary...including adding in alliteration accordingly...

The students in Room 503 breezed beautifully through their first vocabulary/spelling test today...partially because they studied and studied and partially because I made this exam (as well as last semester's final exam) considerably easier. However, I do think the students are grasping the language more easily and able to use it more fluidly.

I am keeping this post short and sweet as I am preparing for an open house this evening for prospective TPJA parents for the 2009-2010 school year. Speaking of...

Student progress reports will be sent out next week. If you care to set up a time to meet with me concerning your student anytime thereafter, please email me: and let me know when a good time is to meet. I am available at 8:00 AM any day of the week and Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays, 3:30 -5:00 PM.

Ms. Pitman

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

HOMEWORK, Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Language Arts:
STUDY! - for the Vocabulary/Spelling Test
Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bring in The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander
(with your name in it)
Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Continue working on Science Project
Due: March 3

Bring in a pair of jeans (small, large - don't need to fit at all)
Friday, February 6

ACE 3, p. 40 (21-29, 37-38)
Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Social Studies:
Continue working on Mythology Project
Due: February 17

To the parents who have supplied us with Kleenex and Sani-Wipes in the past couple of days. The students and I greatly appreciate your donations!!!

Murder in Ancient Greece...A Case for Nancy Drew?

...Or simply a drama game in Room 503?

I am sure you suspect the latter, and if that's the case: mystery solved!

This morning we played a drama game that the students really enjoy called "Telegraph Murder" - a cross between the circle game "Telephone" and Charades. However, we played it with a twist: we used all things (ancient) Greek.

The main focus of the game is communication - sans voices - where participants must concentrate on getting information across to another by way of body language, actions and facial expressions only.

Five students form a team and while four of the members leave the room, the fifth onbe is left to choose (from three different cups) a location, an occupation and a weapon. They then have to act out each of these for one of their fellow teammates, who then must interpret what he/she has seen and act it out for the next teammate and so on. The final team player must guess what the original location, occupation and weapon was.

Today, someone could have chosen Sparta, for the location, playwright, as an occupation and brooches as the murder weapons (courtesy of Oedipus).

The game is a great deal of fun, but in no way is it easy. It's very difficult to communicate clearly when you may not use your voice (and, of course, in our class, that can be difficult as well).

Hopefully, the students will all communicate well by way of written word when they embark on their first Vocabulary/Spelling Exam of the semester.

Ms. Pitman

Monday, February 2, 2009

HOMEWORK, Monday, February 2009

Language Arts:
STUDY! Vocab/Spelling test on Wednesday

p. 35 (A & B)
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 3

Continue working on project (Due: March 3)
Write up (at least) one paragrpah about where you are at in your project: what materials you have collected; what data/information you've collected thus far; what's working/what you are having problems with.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 3

Social Studies:
Continue working on Mythology project (Due: February 17)
Dedication page (rough draft)
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 3

Extra Milers:
*Re-do assignment on playwrights (if you were asked to do so)

Research the origins of each of the following Greek columns: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. Write at least one paragraph on each – explaining how they first came to be used, what buildings/type of buildings each was used for in Ancient Greece, and what buildings/monuments use these columns here in America (cite at least one building/monument for each type of column). Include images of each building in your paper.
Paper must be:
~ Typed in 12 pt. font, in either Times New Roman or Georgia.
~ Double-spaced
~ At least three clearly-distinguishable paragraphs in length
Images must be attached (stapled on separate page[s]) or incorporated in paper.
*Worth 2 Extra Miler tickets
Paper is due tomorrow, Tuesday, February 3

Happy Ground Hog Day and other Fun February Observances!

Well, it looks like we're in for at least six more weeks of winter, accoring to Phil, the ol' Ground Hog in Punxsutwaney, Pennsylvania.

This morning the students in Room 503 learned that the word February is derived from the Latin words februarius mensis (meaning month of purification). To celebrate, each student was given a bottle of water...thought it might be a nice change from all the junk and sweets that usually accompany our classroom celebrations.

Unfortuantely, it is also National Snack Food Month.

On a rather humorous note, yesterday began National Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month, and on a more reverent note, this month is also Black History Month (I'm not sure why this observance falls in February...January seems like a more apropos time. If anyone knows the origins of this, please let me know).

Regardless of any or all of the above observances, the Sixth Graders will be taking their first Spelling/Vocabulary test of the semester on Wednesday. We have had two spelling "pop quizzes" over the last couple of days of class in the hopes that each student will have a good assessment of what they need to study/work on most for the test in terms of spelling. Tomorrow we will go over all the terminology as a refresher pre-test day.

I am writing progress reports this week that should be sent out next week. I was told some of you did not receive report cards until far after winter break (I also am aware that there were some mailing mishaps). If you do not receive your student's report card next week, please let me know and I will give you a personal copy.

Ms. Pitman