Language Arts:
Read Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.
Highlight or underline the repetition in the speech (each time he repeats a phrase, i.e. "I have a dream.").
Due: Monday, January 12
Social Studies:
Read Ch. 8/Section 3, History Text, p. 242-249
Answer the assessment questions 1-3, p. 249
*(EXTRA MILERS: also answer ques. 4)
Due: Monday, January 12
Begin Part I of researching Ancient Greece mythological character:
Research at least three (3) websites (NOT Wikipedia) and find
at least one (1) image.
Type up (or write down neatly) the websites you found, and print out your image (if you use more than one page, please make sure to staple the pages together before turning in your information.
Due: Monday, January 12
ACE 4 (21, 24, 25, 32)
Due: Monday, January 12
Vocal Warm-Ups:
Go over Ozymadias - completely memorize!
Due: Monday, January 12