...on paper.
Did you know that today is National Measure Your Feet Day? Yup - you read that correctly. It's amazing what kind of celebrations can become registered observances these days!
At any rate, I took it as an opportunity for creativity and - of course - reflection.
I jumped on the opportunity to use this "National Holiday" because it tied in well with the phrase we use in class "look down at your feet" (our reminder to stay present) as well as with our Extra Mile and Best Foot Forward Clubs. We've also talked about the incorporation of small steps as a way to move forward in our learning process.
I offered the students two specific quotes today:
It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward. – Chinese Proverb
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. - Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher
And then we began our activity...
First, we each took off a shoe and a sock and measured our foot (length and width). Then we traced the outline of our foot on a folded piece of paper (so the paper opened like a card). Then we began decorating our feet (the ones on the paper, not the one attched to our ankles).
Next I asked the students to put down what they were doing and to take a few minutes to complete the following phrases:
I will put my best foot forward by…
I will put my best foot forward by…
I will put my best foot forward by…
I will put my best foot forward by…
I will put my best foot forward by…
I will put my best foot forward by…
I will put my best foot forward by…
I will put my best foot forward by…
I will put my best foot forward by…
I will put my best foot forward by…
The students glued their "best foot forward" phrases into the inside of their card, and so it was: All of the students put their best foot forward...and we had a good day!
Ms. Pitman