If you notice the homework in the up and coming days, you may observe that a great deal of it revolves around Ancient Greece - in Drama, Language Arts, Social Studies and Science...there's a whole lotta Greek information going on!
Ancient Greece - one of the most influential cultures of Western Civilization (and part of TPA/TPJA's philosophical foundation) - is a wonderful area of study when it comes to interdisciplinary learning. Connections between literature, history, theatre, mathematics and science can be made seamlessly and the connections between the past and the present unravel with ease.
In addition to Ancient Greece the students are continuing to work on other things, including a piece of personal writing directly connected to Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech. We've upped the ante on Independent Reading Projects and the three presentations we saw/heard today are paving the way.
The class party yesterday was a terrific success. Kudos to all the parents who put the party together, many thanks to the Walterscheids for providing their home and to all the families who attended.
On a personal note, thank you to Dana Desonie and all the parents who pitched in to support my walking (possibly limping) in next week's PF Chang's Half-Marathon fund-raiser for TPA. I know many of you are walking the walk/running the run as well. Your support of me and of TPA means a lot!
OPA! (It's all Greek to me!),
Ms. Pitman