Language Arts:
Vocabulary: Write five complete sentences using each of the five new vocabulary words.
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 7
Study for Spelling Test, Thursday
Vocal Warm Ups:
Memorize Ozymandias, up through "...King of kings."
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 7
1. Worksheet
2. ACE Ch. 4, 2-4, 26-31
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 7
Social Studies:
Read Text Book, p. 236-241; Answer Assessment Ques. 1-3, p. 241
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 7
Bring in Five (5) pennies
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 7
***If you didn't bring in a composition book for a new journal today, bring one in tomorrow.
Give food sign up sheet to parent, return with $ to school no later than Thursday, January 8.