Drama: Memorize "Take it to the Bridge"
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 13
Language Arts: Sentence Hand-Out
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 13
Math: Try to find someone to play the Factor Game;
Answer the questions on p. 9 (prob. 1.1, 1.2)
Write the question out or write the answer out in complete sentences.
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 13
Science: Bring in a picture that represents what Science means to you.
(From a magazine, internet, etc.)
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 13
Social Studies: Think like a historian/archaeologist:
Find five things in your home that would tell later historians/archaeologists about YOU>
(List them).
Find two (2) items (books, documents, coins, jewelry, pots) that would be considered primary sources (if it's a copy of a primary source, be sure to note "copy"); Find two (2) items that would be considered secondary sources. List all.
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 13