School began just four days ago and while everything feels relatively new - as it should - it's been wonderful to be in a bit of routine already.
Seeing your students each morning is a real treat, and everyone of them seems to understand the importance of coming together as a community at the beginning of the school day and acknowledging the closing of each day with a bow.
Though adjusting to a new school and new friends can be tough, overall, it seems that most of the students are becoming accustomed to the routine of the daily schedule and to the expectations and flow of each of their subjects.
On the first day of school, students received a "Welcome Bag" filled with an assortment of candy and other items to remind them of some of the important things to keep in mind throughout the school year. They were as follows:
Three Musketeers Bar: "All for one, and one for all!"
A reminder that we don't do this alone - we're in it together!
Life Saver: Ask for help when you need it.
It's okay not to know: ask when you don't.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups: One idea is great!
Add another, and come up with something completely different.
Pencil: You have the right to write.
Write well, or not so well - but keep writing!
Play-Doh: Be creative in all that you do.
Even math and science require your creative skills.
Highlighter: Find the extraordinary in the ordinary.
Notice the big and small things and how amazing they are!
Laffy Taffy: Don't take yourself too seriously.
Laugh a lot!
Much of this week has been about getting to one another, and it has given Mrs. Stoyanoff, Mrs. Hipple and myself an opportunity to begin to see what each of the students' strengths and challenges are. I appreciate the feedback I have received from all of you parents thus far. Getting to know you and your student will be an ongoing process and keeping the lines of communication open is key. I am confident that this blog is just one of the tools that help facilitate that communication.
I hope that each and everyone of you will feel comfortable contacting me with any questions or concerns you have about your student(s), and I hope that you will also share positive thoughts and experiences as well.
I raise a virtual glass to all of us - students, parents and teachers - for a terrific first week of school!
Ms. Nicky Pitman