Go over (and over & over) Jabberwocky
Must be completely memorized by Friday
Due: Friday, August 28
Language Arts:
Sentence practice: 1.4 & 1.5
Look up the word "tenacious"; Define in a complete sentence in your own words.
Alice, Ch. 5: "Who am I?" assignment
Complete idiom pictures (if you haven't)
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 27
p. 26, prob. 2.2
Read p. 12-21
Define vocabulary words
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 27
Social Studies:
Read over "The Reading Process" hand-out
(both sides)
Go over U.S. States/Capitols (hint, hint)
Edit "Archaeologist" mnemonic/acrostic (if needed)
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 27