Welcome to TPJA and congratulations to everyone - parents and students alike - on a wonderful first day!
It was a whirlwind of a day and the students were given a great deal of information. As I don't expect them to wrap their minds around all of it, I am confident that we began creating a good foundation for their sixth grade experience.
The students were given a Room 503 Parent Handbook with three forms to be filled out:
1) A form saying that the handbook was, indeed, received (a short sheet)
2) A parent information sheet
3) A permission slip to post your student's photo on this blog site.
All three forms are due back in class by Friday, August 14 (and, of course, can be turned in sooner if you like).
Please email me should you have any questions.
I am looking forward to another great day tomorrow and to a wonderful year!
Ms. Nicky Pitman