Monday, March 8, 2010


Book of Three Tea, Wednesday, March 10

6P: Cassia & Genevieve: Food; Marisa & Tabitha: Drinks
6S: Georgiana & Maddy: Food; Carter & Jasmine: Drinks

Thank you, in advance, to parents for your help and provisions!

*Special Study Session for Vocabulary/Grammar Test:
Wednesday, March 10, at lunch time.
Bring your lunch to Room 503 & come get some extra study in!

Ancient Rome Project Due Dates:
Wednesday, March 10: Book sources due
Friday, March 12: Architectural sketches, measurements and
list of materials due.

Friday, March 12, Early Release:
School is over at 12:25 PM

End of Third Quarter:
Friday, March 22
Third Quarter Grades will be available in the first week back
from break.

Spring Break:
Monday, March 15-Friday, March 19
School resumes Monday, March 22