Tuesday, March 23, 2010

HOMEWORK, Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Go over sides 1-3
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 24

Language Arts:
Do vocab. practice words #3 & 4
*Finish in-class work, if you weren't able to in class.
Read Chapters 2-3, A Wrinkle in Time
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 24

p. 41, #10 & 11
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 24


Social Studies:
Continue to work on Rome project
All structure materials should be bought/gathered
by tomorrow, Wednesday, March 24.

In-class Project Research/Writing day on Friday, March 26

Go over today's review quiz!

Extra Mile Club:
Congratulations to all of the Third Quarter's E.M. participants!
On Friday we will celebrate with prizes. : )