Monday, March 8, 2010

HOMEWORK, Monday, March 8, 2010

Read Roman Theatre packet, up through p. 39
"Costumes and Masks for Comedy"
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 9

Read through portion of Mother and the Goose given today
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 9

Keep going over & over Hippo's Hope
Must KNOW by Friday, March 12

Language Arts:
Write out discussion question for Book of Three tea
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 9

STUDY: Vocab./grammar test this Thursday, March 11

STUDY! - Everything you've learned in "Bits & Pieces 2"

Finish crossword puzzle
Bring in a shoe box (or box of equal size) to school
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday,March 9

Social Studies:
Work on "expert" assignment(s) for small group work
*Go over hand-out - bring in whatever materials you need
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday,March 9

Ancient Rome Project book sources (two)
Due: Wednesday, March 10

Ancient Rome Project architectural sketch, measurements,
and material list due
Due: Friday, March 12

Extra Mile Club:
Final assignment, #8
Due: Wednesday, March 10