Wednesday, March 18, 2009

When is a Verb Not a Verb?

...Why, when it's a noun, of course!

Yesterday we began some exercises on "parts of speech,:" and today in class we went over them.
The English language - being as complex as it is - offers us words that we can't only categorize as nouns or verbs - or even adverbs, but a cross between one or all.

Take the word "surf," for instance. It can function as a noun, as in "We sat on the beach, our eyes closed, listening to the surf," and it can function as a verb: "Boy, can Logan surf!"

Then there are hononyms and synonyms, and boy-oh-boy, can English get any more complicated or fun, depending on how you look at it?! And then there's the word "look," which can also be a verb or a noun...

...Ahh - the grammar lessons continue!

Ms. Pitman