This morning the Sixth Graders spent their drama time engaged in an exercise called "Actor-Audience." Using the first four stanzas of Jabberwocky as their text, each student had the opportunity to experience being an actor, on stage, speaking; being an actor on stage simply in presence; being an actor "waiting in the wings"; acting as a "prompter" from "the wings" and sitting in "the house" as an audience member.
The students did a great job overall - this is not an easy exercise. I was very pleased to see the support they gave their fellow classmates and the focus they brought to their on-stage work.
The morning continued with a very good discussion about yesterday's "silent morning" experience and four students made presentations of their independent reading projects.
I stepped into a whirlwind of data projects in Mrs. Veenstra's Math class in the latter part of the morning, and it looks like there will be some really good work to see tomorrow.
This afternoon we broke into small groups and discussed a couple of the issues that have been hot topics during this last political campaign. The issue of taxes hit a hot spot and we only stopped the discussion because the school day was over.
Hope everyone had the chance to enjoy their voting privileges - whether you stood in long lines today or got in on early voting (and stood in long lines then).
Ms. Pitman