Monday, November 10, 2008

Cracking Down

We have six weeks left to the first semester and Mrs. Veenstra and I have really started to crack down on the students in Room 503. Suiting up and showing up is key - and that means being accountable...on time to class, prepared with working materials and having homework completed.

When students do not complete their homework, they will forfeit their break time. After showing up unprepared (i.e. without a writing utensil or book that they need) three times, students will receive detention.

Accountability is so crucial at TPJA and at TPA and provides a foundation for life-long habits. Students are responsible for writing down their homework assignments and bringing the correct materials home to get their homework done. They are also responsible for bringing their work and necessary materials back to school.

If a student completes his/her homework and leaves it at home - it's still incomplete until it shows up in class. I have had several students tell me, "I left it next to the computer" (or wherever else), expecting me to say, "oh, all right then," and leave it at that. Homework entails actually doing the work and turning it in (on time).

I have also heard, "oh - I forgot." Hmmm...Forgetting just doesn't make the accountability factor go away. And forgetting is...well, close to impossible if assignments have been written down and can also be found on the blog. "Just didn't do it," is another story.

If you know that your child is going to be over-the-top busy (i.e. is playing in a concert until late at night), please let me know ahead of time so arrangements can be made. I am happy to accomodate when it comes to situations like that. The students know this (or should know this, as I have reiterated it several times), and (should) know to have you let me know in advance.

With all that said, I hope that you all enjoy the mid-week day off tomorrow. Hats off and great thanks to any veterans out there.

Ms. Pitman