...of the educational variety, that is...and right in our very own classroom!
This morning the students of Room 503 presented their Ancient Egypt projects. There were some absolutely awesome projects - from pyramids to scrolls, to scrapbooks, board games, sphinxes, to a beautifully constructed Rosetta Stone! I will be posting photos of the projects over the next few days for your viewing pleasure *(see above the ones I posted today).
I was very impressed with the time, care, creativity and energy that was put into some of the projects. I am hopeful that the students that didn't put in as much effort this time around will be more motivated the next time we engage in a similar activity.
Because of the enormity of the projects, grades will not be completed until next week (hence, they will not be mentioned on the 3rd quarter progress reports, but will be factored in to the reports at the end of the semester).
The upcoming progress reports are simply that: notes on the progress the students have made since fall break. There are no letter grades - simply check marks and comments. I hope that you and your students find them useful and help you gage how your student is doing. If you have any questions, please be sure to stop by or email. If you would like to speak over the phone, the best way to do that is to email me with your phone number and let me know the best time to phone you.
Ms. Pitman