Wednesday, November 19, 2008

HOMEWORK, Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Language Arts:
Read S.G., Chapters 11-14
Due: Monday, November 24

Gather and bring in materials/art supplies for your S.G. book
By Friday morning, November 21

Bring in index cards for Vocab/Spelling study cue cards
By Friday morning, November 21

Study Vocab/Spelling: TEST NEXT WEDNESDAY!

Vocal Warm-Ups:
Memorize the second line of Ozymandias
"Near them on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies..."
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, November 20

P. 22 & Worksheet; prob. 2.2 (A & B)
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, November 20

Social Studies:
*Bring Index cards to school tomorrow for in-class study time


*** Please Note:
Ms. Pitman will be attending a science conference up in Portland, OR this Thursday and Friday. Students will be given homework assignments for the weekend on a special hand-out in class. Please ask your student about it. There will be no homework or blog entries made over the next two days. The blog will be back on track next Monday, November 24.
Thanks for your understanding.