Thursday, November 13, 2008

Don't Put Off Until Later What You Could Do Right Now

Today's blog entry, for example.

I felt so flustered and harried yesterday that I wasn't able to get my entry up by 6:00 PM and that I hadn't copied down the homework assignments to post, I thought I'd get a jump start on today's.

We hadn't had Drama since last Friday, due to Veteran's Day this past Tuesday, so I think the students were happy to be back in the Zelman Center this morning. Everyone participated in an activity entitled "SCENE!"

First, everyone was split into four groups. Each person in the group was given a strip of paper with a writing direction on it. Depending on which group you were in, you had to write one of the following:

1) A statement.

2) A question that requires a “yes”/”no” answer.

3) An answer that begins with either “Yes” or “No” – and then continues with either “and,” “but,” or “however,” with a short explanation attached.

4) A fun exclamation!

There were five people who all had to respond to each direction (each person coming up with their own statementr, question, response and/or exclamation).

Next, one student from each group was selected to form a new group with three other students, so that there was a statement, a question, a response and an exclamation person in each new group.

The newly formed groups each took to the stage one at a time and "performed" what they wrote on their paper strips in order, 1-4. Once each group had a chance to say and hear their "lines" said out loud, they were given all of five minutes to come up with a location, four characters, a situation and rehearse their piece before performing it for the rest of the class.

The person who had the first line had to call out "scene!" to begin the piece. The person who had the fourth, and last line, had to call "scene!" to end the piece. After all the groups had performed one time through, they each had to get up and do the whole performance over, once in high-speed mode, next in slow motion.

Working quickly gave the students no choice but to work as a unit, as an ensemble. For the most part, the scenes all came out clearly and creatively and were a lot of fun to watch. We'll have to see what happens tomorrow when we have Drama once again.

By the way, parents, you are always welcome to stop in and see what we are doing in Drama or any other subject. Just get a pass at the main office when you come onto campus and join us.

Ms. Pitman