Tuesday, August 19, 2008

If It's Tuesday, It Must Be...

...the second Tuesday of the school year!

Drama, Language Arts, Math, Science...a well-rounded day!

Today was our first day using our first text book in a series of science books. Water is the theme of our first unit, and our first project is an interdisciplinary one: integrating science, language arts and social studies. Each student chose (by chance) a great world river that he/she will be exploring throughout our Water Unit.

Room 503 is filled with a voracious pack of readers! Though the assignment tonight was to read Chapter Three of Old Yeller, about three-quarters of the students are completely done with the book! I love that they are keeping me on my toes!!! I will be spending the next couple of nights planning to find fun ways to challenge them on their reading prowess.

Overall, the students have written insightful and delightful entries in their journals.

The assignment over this past weekend was to write about "your experience of today (Friday)." You may recall, we worked all afternoon in teams. One student shared, " I had a blast today with the scavenger hunt! I like to work as a group when doing things. One reason is that you get more ideas...another is that you get to know your group better."

Yesterday's journal entry was based on the prompt "I sometimes wish..." and students were asked to finish that lead-in ten times. The reason for this is that repetition, albeit tedious at times, can often spark thoughts and feelings that wouldn't otherwise surface. One student shared: "I sometimes wish that I was poor so I could see the true value of things."

Sixth Graders: Amazing!

Ms. Pitman