Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thoughts on Thursday

This morning our class was able to break the "Grammar Code":

Realizing, after a quick grammar review, that "summer brain" had creeped in and taken over a good percentage of the student's minds in Room 503 - we will be incorporating grammar practices into our language arts curricula weekly.

I heard from many of the students that they played "the FUNNEST game ever in math class" today, and - according to Mrs. Veenstra - they were the most focused they've been all week.

The excitement and newness of the first week of school is beginning to settle into a comfortable daily adventure all around. The students (and us teachers) are becoming more familiar with each other and the routine of Room 503. Overall, everyone seems curious and engaged and our class is filled with constant energy.

This afternoon we planted herb seeds (basil, parsley, dill and cilantro) in pots we had painted on Tuesday. We are going to care for them, observe them and chart their growth. Students spent time after our planting to write about connections they could make between ecosystems and the school system and between plant growth and student growth. I, myself, will look forward to seeing both.

And with that, I will leave you with this:

If we do not plant knowledge when young, it will give us no shade when we are old.
~ Lord Chesterfield

Ms. Pitman