Friday, August 22, 2008

Introducing the Finally it's Friday Finale!

Last week's group work went so well, I thought that it might be a great way to wrap up every Friday: integrating everything we learned during the week in a culmination of group-think (and group-do) games, quizzes and projects.

The students seemed to agree. Room 503 was abuzz with energy as students convened in their groups (groups they will remain in every Friday throughout the semester) to come up with group names, mottoes or cheers. Each group made a poster and all five of them are now decorating our classroom.

Students were given three different activities on our first day:

1. A series of statements that they needed to mark as either True or False
2. An excerpt from Old Yeller which had blank areas marked as either nouns, adjectives, etc.
as a kind of "Mad Libs"-style grammar game, and
3. A series of multiple choice questions where they had to circle the best answer.

We will keep a running tally of each group's weekly scores based on how quickly they worked to get activities completed and how well they did at accomplishing each exercise.

It was another great end, to another exciting week. And if the students are feeling in any way like Mrs. Veenstra and I are feeling, we will all be sleeping well this fine Friday night!

Wishing all of you a terrific (and restful) weekend.

Ms. Pitman