Tuesday, October 14, 2008

HOMEWORK, Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Language Arts: Create a discussion question for AWITD, Chapter 1. Write the question in bold-face type (if writing on the computer) or in a different colored pen. Write out a one-paragraph answer to your own question (in non-bold text, if on the computer) in a different colored pen.

Look up definitions for new vocabulary words. Write definitions on second column of vocab. sheet (these do not have to be in complete sentences).

Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 15

Math: Excellence Essay (Due Thursday)
2 Cat. ??'s
2 Num. ??'s
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 15

Social Studies:
Read Sec. 3, p. 96-101, History Text (including Ramses biography)
Answer Assessment Questions 1 -4 (including diagram), p. 100
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 15

Finish transferring info. from old River Project book to new packet.
Find two new piece of information about your river (write in your own words)
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 15

Sam Hamilton letter, rough draft due Thursday


Parent-Teacher conferences begin tomorrow; 12:25 Student dismissal.