Thursday, January 29, 2009

HOMEWORK, Thursday, January 29, 2009

*So sorry for the delay!

Language Arts:
STUDY for Vocab. Test
Next Wednesday, February 4

P. 40-41 (1-6)
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, January 30

Continue working on Science Fair project
Due: March 3

Bring in an old pair of blue jeans
By Friday, February 6

Social Studies:
Continue working on Greek Mythology project
Due: February 17

Do something nice for someone (and don't get found out)
By tomorrow, 8:25 AM

Complete any reading/note-taking you didn't finish in class
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, January 30

Extra Milers: Write a one-page (at least) essay, comparing the the similarities and differences of the four great Greek playwrights: Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes.
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, January 30

Vocal Warm-Ups:
Review Oedipus chorus
*(Especially those who did not know it completely today)
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, January 30