Friday, February 20, 2009

HOMEWORK, Friday, February 20, 2009

Vocal Warm-Ups:
Memorize Hamlet
Up through "...It out Herod's Herod. Pray you avoid it."
Due: Monday, February 23

Language Arts:
Read Ch.'s 8 & 9, B.O.T.
Due: Monday, February 23

Look up definitions for three new vocab. words.
Write them out in complete sentences and in your own words.
Also, use each word in a sentence to show that you understand
its meaning.
Due: Monday, February 23

Do one hours of math-science work for your Science Project.
Be prepared to discuss on Monday in class.

Social Studies:
Test on Monday, February 23

Work on Science Project.
PACE YOURSELF: you have 11 more days.
Due: March 3