Monday, February 23, 2009

HOMEWORK, Monday, February 23, 2009

Vocal Warm-Ups:
Memorize Hamlet up through "...modesty of nature."
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 24

Language Arts:
Look up definitions for six (6) new vocabulary words.
Write the definitions out in clear, complete sentences
in your own words; then write six sentences using each
of the words to demonstrate your understanding.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 24

Read Ch. 10, B.O.T.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 24

p. 20 (17-27)
Read p. 12 & add vocab. to notebook
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 24

Write a one-paragraph write-up of where you are with your project,
what you still need to do, what you are excited about and/or having
trouble with.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 24

Continue working on project.
Due: NEXT Tuesday, March 3