Monday, February 9, 2009

HOMEWORK, Monday, February 9, 2009

Language Arts:
If you didn't already finish it in class, read Ch. 2, B.O.T.
and create 3 thoughtful discussion questions re: the chapter
on a separate shee of notebook paper.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 10

P. 50 (A & B)
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 10

Whatever you did not finish in your text (Cells):
Write out your answers on a separate sheet of notebook paper
(can be OPEN BOOK).
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 10

Write a one-paragraph write-up of where you are at in your Science Project.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 10

Continue working on Science Project
Due: March 3

Social Studies:
In your history text book: (whatever you did not finish in class today) -
Ch. 9 (p. 256-259): Answer questions on p. 259 on a piece of notebook paper (title your paper Social Studies, YOU TRY IT, p. 259).
Read Section 1, p. 260-265. Answer the Assessment Questions on p. 265 1-5 (on a separate piece of Notebook paper; Title the page Ch. 9/Section 1 Assessment Questions…Remember: write in COMPLETE SENTENCES).
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 10

Bring in pieces of your Greek mythology project to work on to school tomorrow.

Continue working on Greek mythology project.
Due: February 17

Extra Milers:
Memorize next piece of Hamlet text, up through:
“It out-herods Herod. Pray you avoid it.”
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 10