And a drum roll please...
Ta da! Today we finished up our unit on ancient Greece... with a big, fat test that included multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and match 'em up questions. The test also provided a forum for the students to sketch out each of the three main Greek columns we studied - label them and explain their differences. Students also had to write a short essay based on a question of their choice (they had three to choose from):
A. Compare and contrast tyranny, oligarchy and democracy. Be able to explain the differences (and if there are any similarities). Explain which type of government you believe is best and why.
B. Sparta and Athens were both Greek city-states, but functioned in completely different ways. Explain the differences. Then discuss which city-state you would have preferred to live in and why.
C. In what ways do you think Greek government, literature, mythology, theatre and architecture have been influential throughout history, including our present world? Do you believe one of these elements has been any more important than the others in our world? Which one and why? If you believe they are all of equal importance, explain that as well.
Tomorrow the students will receive their mythology projects with grades and comments. Per usual, a parent signature sheet will be brought home by each student to have signed by a parent.
The signature sheet will be due Thursday, February 26. Though it is the students' responsibility to make sure the sheet is signed and brought back to school, any parental nudging will be of help. Five points will be deducted off the project grade for each day the signature sheet is not returned.
The practice of deducting points is incentive to ensure that each student is taking responsibility for his/her work, as well as making sure parents are made aware of what and how their student is doing in class.
On a somewhat/not-at-all similar note: Our first annual TPJA Science Fair is next Tuesday evening, March 3. Science projects are due on Tuesday morning. If your student hasn't been sharing what they are working on with you, please ask them. Some of our students seem to be on task while others...others are not.
Thanks for your help, support and care.
Ms. Pitman