...So says The Book of Three. And in our discussion today, we looked at how seeing, studying and suffering relate to observation, knowledge and experience.
This afternoon we worked on creating our own "Book(s) of Three" - a project journal we're going to keep for the next week and a half of our observations, knowledge and experiences.
It's going to be a busy time between now and Spring Break. The students have a great deal of preparation prior to the Science Fair next Tuesday (do all you parents know about this?!), working on their projects. They also have a math quiz this Friday, a vocabulary/spelling test next Tuesday, our Book of Three Tea next Thursday and Athletic Field Day on Friday, March 6.
For those of you who were not made aware over a month ago that our Science Fair is next Tuesday evening (March 3), you should be receiving invitations tonight from your students. This is an important event and all students are required to be there.
Also, in case you haven't been watching your calendars: next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (March 4, 5, 6) are early release days and school will let out at 12:25 PM. The following week is Spring Break (March 9-13) and school will resume on Monday, March 16.
For those of you who had students in this past month's Extra Mile Club, the month was a success, culminating in a celebratory lunch and "Going the Distance" certificates. I discovered quite a bit in this first round of the Club and received some very good feedback from the participants. Some very specific changes will be made and new application forms will be available next week for those students who are interested in signing up. The new Club will begin Monday, March 16 and will run through Thursday, April 9 (school will be closed Friday, April 10 for Good Friday and the Easter weekend).
Ms. Pitman