After being one-track-minded yesterday with regards to the ancient Greek mythology project presentations, today feels like we feasted on a shmorgasboard of subject matter - everything from vocabulary words, to book discussion questions, to a mini-lecture on responsibility...Wow, wow, wow! A lot can be accomplished in a short period of time (and that was just in the morning).
The afternoon brought us back to ancient Greece: finishing a documentary we began watching last week on Alexander the Great, reading a chapter in our History text on Alexander, and going over what will be on Monday's all-encompassing Social Studies test on ancient Greek civilization.
Back-tracking to the "mini-lecture" on responsibility: that was about making sure to complete assignments and getting all required materials turned in, in a timely manner. A check list went home with every student last Friday with reagrds to their ancient Greek mythology project. Students were to go over the checklist, sign it, and then share their project and the check list with at least one parent. The check list was then to be signed by the parent and returned (yesterday) with the student's project.
Some students neglected to return their check list sheet/signature. Others, lost their check list and wrote a "mock up" sheet for their parents to sign. The original check list with a parent signature MUST be turned in to me by Friday in order for me to even take the time to look at thoroughly - and grade - the student's project. If the sheet is not returned by Friday, I will not look at the project and the student will receive an "F."
I understand that this may sound quite harsh. However, I believe that holding students responsible for their work is one of our top priorites at TPJA. This is not a difficult assignment. It is about "suiting up and showing up." If you have any questions, please feel free to email me:
Thanks & Cheers,
Ms. Pitman