Language Arts:
STUDY! Vocab/Spelling test on Wednesday
p. 35 (A & B)
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 3
Continue working on project (Due: March 3)
Write up (at least) one paragrpah about where you are at in your project: what materials you have collected; what data/information you've collected thus far; what's working/what you are having problems with.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 3
Social Studies:
Continue working on Mythology project (Due: February 17)
Dedication page (rough draft)
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 3
Extra Milers:
*Re-do assignment on playwrights (if you were asked to do so)
Research the origins of each of the following Greek columns: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. Write at least one paragraph on each – explaining how they first came to be used, what buildings/type of buildings each was used for in Ancient Greece, and what buildings/monuments use these columns here in America (cite at least one building/monument for each type of column). Include images of each building in your paper.
Paper must be:
~ Typed in 12 pt. font, in either Times New Roman or Georgia.
~ Double-spaced
~ At least three clearly-distinguishable paragraphs in length
Images must be attached (stapled on separate page[s]) or incorporated in paper.
*Worth 2 Extra Miler tickets
Paper is due tomorrow, Tuesday, February 3