Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Whipping into Shape!

We're tightening up in Room 503. It's almost the end of the second quarter of the second semester and we're gearing the students up for what awaits them in seventh grade.

The following note is going home with the students today (attached to their Social Studies Test grade form - which needs to be signed by a parent and returned no later than this Friday, February 27). I am posting it here, in case for some very, very, very odd reason, the note and the test did not come home with your student.

The note:

Dear Students and Parents,

Test and Project Grade forms must be signed by parents and returned to school within a two-day period from now through the rest of the year. Any Grade forms (tests can be kept at home) not returned by the due date will result in a lowering of the student’s test or project grade by five (5) points each day. This system is designed to encourage students to suit up and show up and take responsibility (it is their job to have their parent sign the form, and their job to ensure the form is returned by the deadline.

The “My Big Fat Greek Test” grade form is due: Friday, February 27.

Also, from now until the end of the school year, only students who scored below a “C-“ will have the opportunity to retake a test or re-do a project. The first and second test will then be averaged for a final score/grade.

Any students who scored below a “C-“ on “My Big Fat Greek Test,” the make-up test time will be THIS Friday, February 27 at 12:45 PM (Early Dismissal is at 12:25). Students may have twenty minutes to relax, eat and prepare and meet me outside the Faculty House. Students must advocate for themselves: they must show up (I will not go looking for them), on time, and ready with two sharpened pencils (or mechanical pencils). Students will have until 2:00 PM to complete their test.

We’re crackin’ the ol’ whip around here!

Ms. Pitman