Language Arts:
If you neglected to bring in The Book of Three today,
Bring it in TOMORROW!
P. 29 (48, 49)
P. 38 (A-B)
P. 39 (A p4)
P. 41 (7-10)
P. 46 (40-49)
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 5
Social Studies:
Continue to work on mythology project
Due: February 17
Complete Greek packet started in class today
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 5
Bring in parts of your mythology project you would like to/can
work on to school tomorrow. You will have class time to work
on your project.
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 5
Continue to work on science project
Due: March 3
*Bring in a pair of jeans on Friday, February 6
Extra Milers:
Research and type up (in required format) a one-page report
on the olympics of Ancient Greece. *This must be NEW additional
information (not the information on the hand out from the other day)
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, February 5